Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where Do We go From Here?

Okay now, let me get this straight, we don't need our laptops any more.  We don't need to go to the movies anymore.  We don't need to go to the library anymore.  We don't----we don't!!!  I'll come back to this in just a sec.

Did you know there is a car manufacturer (probably more than one) working on developing a car that can think for the driver?  In other words, the driver (him or her) will not have to steer the vehicle, he (she) will not have to apply the brakes, and he (she) won't have to worry about the speed.  Is this not amazing?  What will they try next? 

With the "we don'ts" and the "we won'ts" which we are being offered to accept, what are WE going to be doing?  Think about it!  With the advent of the Apple iPad hitting the market and costing anywhere from $500 to $800+, you can read a book, take in a movie, and do all of your computer work on one little device.  What ever happened to differentiating between WANTS and NEEDS?

Maybe we needed a good 5 cent cigar at one time in our history, but our needs today seem to be a little more monumental.  We NEED all of the money being spent on frivolity to be rechanneled  into feeding the hungry in this country.  We NEED to stop depleteing jobs in this country by breaking the taxpayers' backs.
We NEED to get back to using good old common sense with regards to putting this country back on an even keel.  If and when this will happen God only knows.

There surely is one thing to be extremely thankful for as we celebrate the resurrection of the man named Jesus on this Easter day, God does know.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Do You Like To Have Your Cake And Eat It Too?

If you answered NO to the title question you are one lost individual!!  What is better in this world than to be able to take a dream or desire and make it come true??  Everyone of us has wants, wishes, dreams, desires, hopes and what have you.  The problem with most of us is that we never take the initiative or attempt to take the initiative to make our dreams come true.  Most of us have been taught to accept what we are, where we are and who we are.  We all seem to be waiting to find the magic lamp with a genie inside of it who will grant us our wishes.  I hate to inform you---the genie died!!!

If you think that you can in no way ever--I mean never--reach your goals or desires, it's time for a simple lesson.  You have seen this lesson over and over, again and again.  Thanks to the advertising world you have read this message, seen this message, and heard this message.  It is really so easy to understand.  Try this one on for size:  YES YOU CAN!!!  or maybe:  JUST DO IT!!!  You see, you are your own worst enemy in the endeavor to achieve your dreams.  Maybe you don't think you have the ability to make your dreams come true.  Well guess what, all of the great achievers in this world did not come to their successes on their own accord.  "What did they do to achieve their goals", you ask?  They sought out and followed the training of achievers who went before them.  Probably not just one or two, but as many as they could learn from.  So whether you like chocolate, angel food, lemon or marble cake, it's yours for the taking.  But first, you are gonna have to find your way to the table.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

You Can Not Afford Not to Do This

     I have spent the last month searching and digging through the internet to find opportunities where users can earn extra money.  Most of what I have found are the "Get Rich Quick" approaches, which, anybody in their right mind will tell you, "DON'T DO IT"!!!  There are literally thousands of 'methods' out there which are more than happy to take your money and then leave you hanging in mid air until you realize you need to invest more money in their systems, repeatedly.

     Why am I doing this???

     There are many people, today, who are having a tough time making ends meet due to the present economy.  Job losses, increasing prices, tightened credit and a host of other unforeseen changes have caused too many hardships on our hardworking American citizens and families.  And, at the present rate, we're looking at possibly another two years or more of no improvement,  Also, incomes, if you still have one, aren't exactly shooting through the roof either.  Many people are having to take cuts in pay in order to stay

     In my search I have come across an internet site which advertised a phrase I could not believe---
"GUARANTEED SUCCESS".    Have you ever seen this phrase used on the internet?  Not often!!!  Well let me tell you, my interest was greatly aroused and I contacted the publisher.  Go to to find out, as I did, how this program works.  Oh yes, you will invest some money (the amount is up to you), nothing is free in this world, but you are GUARANTEED SUCCESS!
This program offers YOU the best chance to regain YOUR investment and supplement YOUR income today.  The choice is yours and yours alone.  However, DO NOT pass up this opportunity to investigate this "endless possibility" to improve your potential.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

You CAN DO The Hokey-Pokey

     Wow, there's a term I haven't heard for a long time.  What's the Hokey-Pokey you ask?  Well, the Hokey-Pokey was a dance in the late __'s.  (You think I'm tellin'?)  I think this term might have a cousin in the magic field.  The term magicians use is Hocus-Pocus.  Presto-chango and the rabbit appeared.
     I have a feeling in this day and age we would all like to be able to do a little magic.  Not so much to make the rabbit appear, but to make our budgets stretch a little further than we've been able to accomplish.  In this last minute rush to end the Christmas holiday shoppping extravaganza, you might be possibly looking for a GPS unit, an iPod, a smart phone or some other consumer electronic gadget to stuff in someone's stocking.  Check out the some of the listings on this blog and you might be able to save some gas money.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Promotional Marketing In Today's Economy

  Every business knows that the key to success has to go through "marketing".  Marketing has been around since the dawn of time.  Can you  imagine the marketing pitch the Creator had to present to Adam just to remove one rib to bring about woman.  I wonder how many board meetings that took!!    As with the changes of time, marketing approaches have had to change to keep businesses viable.  In today's economy this has become an even more challenging endeavor for all gamuts of trade.  As we should all be aware of by now, all marketing is now entering the global world.  Whether the business is a small mom and pop organization or an already global company, the major marketing approaches will be on the internet.
Why??  This is the most cost effective form of presenting any business today.
    Number1 best-selling author, Mark Joyner, the man people call "the greatest marketing mind of our generation", has just released his new book which is not yet available at your local bookstore.  Instead you can download this book for FREE from this sight.  The title you need to look for is "Integration Marketing".  If you want to learn how to grow your business, this is an absolute must read.  And the "Integration Marketing Deal Board" you'll find there is one of the most powerful marketing resources on the internet.  Keep your business ahead of the game and use this opportunity.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What Inning Are We In Now?

   You know, I got to thinking about the very important role major league sports plays in our society.  The NFL is now in full swing, The NHL is just basically getting started, the NBA is preparing to roll out soon, and MLB is showcasing two of the finest baseball teams in the World Series.  What a great society we live in!!  We, speaking of this country collectively, really get involved with our major league sports.  And then, we have the college scene which encompasses the same sports and many more.  I love sports and I think they are great.  What a great psychological lift sports affords us.
     Remember, this country is 11.4 trillion dollars in debt, unemployment is at an all time high (and probably will go higher), and, again, the value of the dollar keeps dropping which naturally keeps the price of oil climbing.  Our lives are basically on hold or maybe a little in reverse.  If I were to compare the present US state of being to major league sports, might I suggest that we are in a 4th down situation with 96 yards to go; or the slap shot caught us in back of the head; or we are totally dribbling our future off the court; and it's the bottom of the ninth inning (we're behind 15 to 2) and the bottom of the batting order is up.
     Oh, excuse me, it's time to fire up the charcoal grill in the car port and do a little tailgating before I turn on my 13" TV (which doesn't receive a signal anymore).  So, I'll listen to the radio for my favorite team to do something to patch up this broken country.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Are You Up To The Challenge?

First of all, let me explain that this article is not about a specific challenge.  If that were the case, in the next sentence this post would be over.  No, this challenge is farther reaching than most people want to hear, accept or do anything about.  Complacency will have the biggest effect on the results of accepting the ability to do what should be done.  So where does this take us?
This leads us to this question, "What should I be doing to improve my personal life, social life, family life, community life and spiritual life?"  Is there one answer?   No, definitely not!!  The easy way out is to say you're happy with where you are and don't need to improve.  Guess what---WRONG answer!  Are you really saying you are the best you can be?  Wow, what a dissapointment that must be.  Look around you, do you ever wonder why some people, maybe colleagues of yours, family members, social acquaintences seem to be improving in their lives.  They have come to realize that they can never stop becoming better, more knowledgeable, more accepting, and more understanding. 
Funny thing, age is not a deterrent in this challenge.  This challenge is a life concept!!!  Anyone and all can make the most of their abilities and then some, but no one can stop trying and think they are the best.